Lori, along with board member Robin Kelley, delivered a check for $5,000 and $5,000 worth of bedding and pillows to local volunteers. Receiving the gifts on behalf of Sleep in Heavenly Peace was Kara Linderholm.
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 marks the 3-year anniversary of the unspeakable tragedy that took Jayna, Autumn, Haylee, and Sara from us so suddenly. The Jayna Kelley Memorial Foundation is dedicated to preserving the memory of our beloved Jayna and making the world a better place in her honor. Over the 8 days leading up to the 3rd, Jayna’s 2021 gifts to the world will be announced. Each of the 6 foundation board members, along with Jayna’s sister Terra, were asked to help us spread the available funds in order to make a broad impact on the community. We can’t wait to show everyone how Jayna is continuing to improve MANY lives by her foundation’s support of 10 local causes! She couldn’t have done this without the amazing generosity of so many people. Thank you!!
Friday, October 29th
Sleep in Heavenly Peace – $10,000
Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a national non-profit organization made up of local volunteers dedicated to building and delivering beds to children in need. Each bed, whether single or bunk, comes complete with mattress, pillow, linens, and a quilt. Their slogan is simple: “No kid sleeps on the floor in our town”.
JKMF board member and treasurer Lori Grant chose Sleep in Heavenly Peace as a 2021 recipient for $10,000 worth of gifts and funds.