Kia Xiong-Yang and Mang Yang, parents of Troop #3055 members Liana and Jazlyn, chose to donate to the CollECtive Arts Center in Downtown Eau Claire. Mike and Chris Rambo, founders of the non-profit organization, offer free programming to children in the form of music, dance and the fine arts. There is a choir for ages 12 and up, dance classes for ages 5 and up, and a Jam program where teens can get together as a jam session and work together to create and play music. The Yang family has experienced first hand how these classes and sessions can build confidence and give positive change to adolescents who need it most. There are great things happening at the CollECtive Arts Center and our $5,000 donation will help to ensure that the programs, facility, and instruments will remain available to allow this amazing organization to continue their mission.